Skin Regimen The Skincare Lifestyle Aspirations For Urbanites November 7, 2018November 4, 2018Carol Lam Comment As urbanites, we all faced a similar problem where the effects of stress, pollution and lifestyle starts to aged on both skin and mind. [...]
Energize, Repair and Detoxify Your Skin With All New Clarins Boosters December 13, 2016December 13, 2016Carol Lam Comment Do you know that our lifestyle can cause stress that reflects on our skin? It’s true as I’ve been staying up late and [...]
ELEMIS Unveils Limited Edition ‘The Hero Collection’ At Mandara Spa September 12, 2016Carol Lam Comment ELEMIS is an established brand well known for their endeavours for charities. This year ELEMIS has pledged to donate £10,000 to Breast Cancer Care [...]