(Movie Review) Our Times – 我的少女時代

Remember how back it our younger days where things are less complicated and everything seems like a big deal, that’s where ‘Our Times -我的少女時代‘ scores as the best romantic comedy for me. A journey reminiscing of our younger childhood days in the early 90’s that’s so brilliantly brought to the big screen via a woman’s point of view.

Our Times 4
The ugly duckling Truly

OUR TIMES – 我的少女時代  takes us on a 20 year journey through the life of Truly Lin (Vivian Sung 宋芸樺), in a series of flashback following her journey thru senior high school. She’s got a huge crush on the most popular boy in school Ou Yang Dino Lee( 李玉璽). Unfortunately, Ou Yang is dating the school belle Min Min Dewi (簡廷芮). If that’s not sad enough, she runs into troublemaker Tai Yu Darren Wang (王大陸) and ended up teaming up with him to break apart their secret crush. Will they succeed? No spoilers here as you’ve just got to watch the movie to find out the ending.

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Actually, Truly is a beauty in disguise 😀

In my diary, this is one unforgettable movie and definitely rocks as one of the best romantic comedy of the year. It’s been quite some time since I’ve laughed so hard in the cinema. The movie brings back many bittersweet memories of my high school days with its memorabilia items used and the detailed effort put in the scenes. Remember back in the good old days where internet doesn’t exist and mobile phones are a non-necessity in our lives. Communication is just by the public phone or your BFF (best friend) passing you messages and letters. Just something as simple as that is more than enough to make you smile the whole day.

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The good old skating rink – a popular spot for dating back in the days

Some unforgettable scenes in the movie ought to be the passing of chain letters, crushing on our favourite idol singer Andy Lau (who makes a cameo appearance in the ending) and roller skating rinks. Absolutely hilarious to spot the centre parting hair and I hope this doesn’t sprout the trend to revive this haircut. Finally, what makes this convincing was the cast themselves. They portrayed their characters so well that I was totally immersed while watching it. It got me teary eyed in some scenes as Truly recalls her bittersweet love journey which was so poignant.

B&W, CI, Design, Fashion, Jimmy+++Studio, Model, Shose, Snap Shot, Stage photo, Wedding photo
The  protagonist Truly and her troublemaker friend Tai Yu 

Directed by Frankie Chen ( 陳玉珊) ,  who found success previously as a television producer with hit classic idol dramas such as The Prince Who Turns Into a Frog (王子变青蛙) and Fated to Love You (命中注定我愛你). This movie is definitely a winner in all terms possible. Showing in cinemas from 22 October 2015, be sure not to miss it! (p/s: I’m actually going to watch it again with my sisters, nephews and nieces next week 😀 )

Ratings: 4.75/5

I’m also hook to the movie theme song by Hebe Tian (courtesy of my sister who keeps replaying it on a daily basis).

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