Fun Baby Toys to Excite Little Tots

baby toys

Being a mom, we’ve always strive to get the best for our child. I still recalled the first time I was pregnant, I was busy researching online to find out all I could about caring for my child. One of my favourite topics was how to choose the right baby toys. Don’t get me wrong, other topics are equivalently of interest to me but the fact lies that most parents often do not pay much attention to toys.

Why should parents learn more about purchasing the right baby toys? It’s simple, for toys are an essential in childhood development. Most experts agree that children learn by playing and toys are the best instruments to allow them to discover the world they live in. Apart from that, toys provide plenty of happiness and helps to build self-confidence too! Let’s not forget, that toys also plays a part in keeping them entertained whilst parents can have some quick time to get work done *wink*

baby toys

Now, here are some of my boy’s favourite toys during their babyhood time. It helps to keeps them entertained for eons. Wanna find out what I’ve got? Well, scroll down to find out…

Fisher-Price Smart Connect 2-in-1 Projection Mobile (Age: 0mth – 9 mths)

baby toys

A gift from my sister is this  projection mobile with up to soothing 30 minutes of lullabies and nature sounds. It also provides full-color lights show at night by projecting on the ceiling. Love it because I can control the functions using a smart device. Helps to keep my baby calm at night and entertained them when I need a break!

Fisher Price Newborn To Toddler Play Gym (Age 0mths – 12 mths)

baby toys

This is perhaps the all-time favourite baby toy from their collection. This sensory stimulation convertible gym comes with a soft mat, sounds, lights, music and more than 12 toys and activities to keep baby entertained. Both of them spend quite a number of hours on this colourful fun play gym. It’s also fun for parents as they can play together and bask in those cute gurgling sounds.  

Lamaze Soft Chime Garden (Age 6 mths and above)

baby toys

This Soft Chime Garden has five smiling faces that lights up, chime, and play songs at the touch of my baby’s hand. The colourful flowers encourage him to reach out, tug and bat at it which is really good for developing hand-eye coordination. I can choose from three modes of music to awaken his auditory awareness. He just love playing with those ribbons made from fun textures for tactile stimulation. Lastly, it’s a super convenient baby toy for on-the-go fun.

Fisher Price Animal Friends Learning Table (Age 9 mth & above)

baby toys

One of the best baby toy I’ve received from a good friend during my boy’s birthday was the learning table. This is good for their cognitive development where they can learn ‘how’ to sing-a-long, flip a book and listen to a story. Apart from that, they can twist the spinner to activate lights, music, animal sounds and the ABC song too! If you noticed, there’s some hands-on fun on the table top where they can get creative with it. They can either opt to sit or stand to have fun with it.

Well, there you have it a compilation of my boy’s favourite toys in their babyhood days. Now, that they’re in the growing up stage, they’ve turned to playing Legos and Play Doh which is good to further develop their hand-eye coordinations. Best is that they get to explore the world in their very own creative way. Do you have a list of your child’s favourite baby toys? If yes, feel free to share with me here. Till then, will keep you posted on my next musings 😀

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