Let’s Join Pensonic “We Want You To Be On TV” with Dato’ Chef Haji Ismail Contest!

Last year I was so envious when I spotted my friends cooking together with Dato’ Chef Haji Ismail and celebrities on TV3.  To appear on TV is like one of my major dreams since childhood. After grilling my friends, they told me to join ‘Chef Mail Masak Bersama Pensonic’. Thus, I promised myself that if the opportunity comes this year, I’ll definitely grab it with both hands. Guess what, this year Pensonic is bringing the contest back known as “We Want You To Be On TV” Contest with Dato’ Chef Haji Ismail and Celebrities Contest!

I’m sure all of you are aware who’s Celebrity Chef Dato’ Chef Haji Ismail, the well known Malaysian local cuisine ambassador hailing from Negeri Sembilan. He is often invited both locally and overseas to introduce authentic, mouthwatering local dishes through cooking demonstrations. Chef Dato’ Chef Haji Ismail has been appointed by Pensonic as one of their brand ambassador since 2015.

Founded in 1965, the Pensonic Group has a legacy of 52 years and is now one of the top  Malaysian Electrical Home Appliances manufacturer in Penang. Throughout the years, Pensonic has received a number accolades for design excellence and branding initiatives.  It currently has a domestic distribution network of 10 branches with more than 900 dealers countrywide, and exports products to more than 30 countries in ASEAN, East and West Asia, and the Middle-East-. Thanks to Pensonic, I’m now able to participate in ‘We Want You To Be On TV” Contest with Dato’ Chef Haji Ismail and Celebrities Contest! ™

Only 7 lucky person will win this amazing opportunity to Cook with Dato’ Chef Haji Ismail in his TV show! If you win a spot,  you’ll be contacted by the organiser to shoot a video together with Dato’ Chef Haji Ismail and a celebrity at a restaurant selected by the organiser. I’m sure by now you’re probably bursting with excitement to find out how to join ‘We Want You To Be On TV” Contest with Dato’ Chef Haji Ismail and Celebrities Contest!’.  The steps are really quite simple:

  • Like  Pensonic Facebook
  • Email [email protected] , your recipe name & picture, pictures of method of making the dish and ingredients  with personal details such as  full name, identity card number, address, handphone number and email address too.
Take a guess which recipe I’ve submitted among these 3 delicious dishes 😛

Better hurry folks, for  deadline submission  is on 3rd March 2017! Other terms & conditions may apply.  I’ve sent in mine so wish me all the best ya! For more information, please visit www.facebook.com/pensonicmalaysia or www.pensonic.com . 


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