Review: Promotes Hair Growth with Hellobabes Vitamin & Hair Tonic

HelloBabes Vitamin & Hair Tonic

Being a new mom, our hormones and body will change after delivery. Some includes memory loss, lack of calcium, mood swings and finally hair loss. I still vividly remember after post-partum (about 3-4 months), I started having hair loss. I was at my wits end thinking of a solution to battle against it.

In fact, even now I still faced the same problem. I’ve been trying few types of hair tonic but not all seems to work. Recently, a friend introduced me to try Hellobabes Hair Vitamin and Hair Tonic.

What’s Hellobabes Hair Vitamin and Hair Tonic?

Inspired by Korean’s formulation, Hellobabes Hair Vitamin is a hair supplements revolution made in Malaysia. Product is clinically tested safe to consume and has been certified by Malaysian Ministry of Health (MOH) with no toxic & dangerous ingredients. This hair vitamin provides better & healthy hair growth besides enhancing hair scalps to be redefine & moist.

The Hellobabes Hair Tonic works to promote hair growth by revitalizing the scalp, helping to accelerate hair regeneration. This serum strengthens the hair while keeping it healthier. By using the Hellobabes Hair Vitamin and Hair Tonic combination, hair regrowth is further enhanced and let’s welcome a healthier scalp with beautiful lustrous locks.

Hellobabes Hair Vitamin – RM79.00 (14 sachets)

Hellobabes Hair Vitamin consists of 14 sachets in powder form and is an ideal hair solution & treatment for those facing hair loss. This product contains Biotin which plays an important role in the health of our hair, skin, and nails too. It helps to reduce hair loss, dandruff, and scaly red rash on our scalp.

Other ingredients included in the Hellobabes Hair Vitamin includes Amla Extract, Zinc, Folic Acid, Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Vitamin B6, Vitamin D , Vitamin E and berries (high in antioxidants).

How to consume?

Take 1 sachet in the morning or nights (preferably 30 minutes before breakfast/sleep. It can be consumed directly or mix with water.

Hellobabes Hair Tonic – RM39.00 (100ml)

This popular mist tonic from Hellobabes promotes hair growth by revitalizing the scalp, helping to accelerate hair regeneration. It removes build-up around the hair follicles by gently exfoliating the scalp. Enriched with omega 6, vitamin B5, and keratin, this serum strengthens the hair while keeping it healthier.

How to apply?

Wash and dry your hair. Spray tonic on the scalp, using your fingers to massage and distribute thoroughly. Style your hair with a normal-toothed comb, and make sure that all the strands are coated with the tonic.

My thoughts on Hellobabes Hair Vitamin & Hair Tonic

I loved the candy berries taste of Hellobabes Hair Vitamin. It’s super convenient as I can consume it anytime and anywhere. I prefer to consume it directly as the candy berries taste is so yummy.

If you like fruity scent, then I’m sure you’ll like the Hellobabes Hair Tonic. It offers a lasting fruity scent and honestly it smells so fantastic that I had to keep myself from continuously sniffing my hair *lols*.  Another thing I loved about this hair tonic is how it doesn’t leave my hair looking sticky after application. There’s also a cooling sensation on the scalp after application which helps to reduce itchiness.

So far, I’m loving both of the products from Hellobabes and can’t wait to see results soon!

If you would like to purchase the products, check out at

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