Nutritious Meals that Fit My Child’s Tastebuds

Nutritious Meals Dumex Dugro

I can’t believe how fast time goes by and it has been hard watching him grow up. My little boy is now an active toddler and is always on the go. Since young, I’ve always wanted to give him the best of everything – from choosing the right stroller to toys, books and education. Most importantly, I want to make sure my child has a healthy diet to promote a strong body, healthy mind and spirit. I am a firm believer of nourishing my child with healthy, nutritious food. Nothing is more important than ensuring my little one has a good start. After all, proper nutrition plays a huge part in helping him to progress, grow to his full potential and be so much more. It is also important to cultivate healthy eating habits in early life so he can maintain a healthy lifestyle when he becomes an adult. Nutrition is something that I will never compromise.

Nutritious Meals Dumex Dugro
Happily munching 😀

When it comes to food, he has some quirks – he will go for days when all my boy wants is cheese and sometimes he is quite open to explore and try new things. I usually know how to provide him healthy food, but the hard part is getting him to eat it!

Prep Differently to Entice His Tastebuds

Nutritious Meals Dumex Dugro

This year, he started day care centre for the first time. I would pack his lunch box every morning, but he starts having his preferences as he grows up. It was a fun experience, but tiring for a working mom like me! He would reject certain types of food such as leafy greens and steamed poultry. After some tweaks and learning to gauge his appetite, I realised he prefers vegetables with soft and chewy texture instead of leafy greens. He loves eating broccoli, carrots and cucumbers.

Nutritious Meals Dumex Dugro

To ensure he has a wholesome and well-balanced meal, I would prepare him food that contains high levels of protein such as poultry. He likes his grilled chicken with some light soy sauce on it. The best way to ensure his meals has so much more nutrition and is tasty is to offer a wide variety of different foods each day and cook them differently. Until today, I continue to modify and tweak my recipes to suit his tastebuds. I find some of my recipes here. *wink

Presentation counts!

Nutritious Meals Dumex Dugro

I tried packing sandwiches with tomatoes and some vegetables, but he didn’t enjoy it. I modified the ingredients by adding in cheese (which is high in calcium) and eggs (which is a good source of protein). Then I added in grilled broccoli and carrots as a separate portion in the lunchbox. Broccoli is rich in Vitamin C, which is a powerful antioxidant and carrots are a particularly good source of potassium, fibre, vitamins and minerals. Then I would add in fruits such as apples and kiwis for dietary fibre as the final touch. Sometimes I do use a little creativity to make things more appealing such as melting the cheese, cutting the fruits and vegetables into bite-sized pieces and make them look like a rabbit with raisin eyes. Oh boy, he loved it, and finished everything! I’m especially glad when I know that my son is satisfied with his meal each time he brings back his empty lunch box 😀

Create fun, healthy breakfast

Nutritious Meals Dumex Dugro

As you know, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Soft boiled eggs with toast bread is always a hit with my son. Since he likes his toast, I would create different toast toppings each day. And not to forget, a glass of milk on the side for a nutritional boost to support my son’s overall development. He is currently drinking Dumex Dugro, growing up milk, which is formulated with so much more DHA*, 15 vitamins and minerals, as well as unique LcFOS based on 40 years of science. His favourite flavour is chocolate, and he takes his milk at least three times a day. Apart from drinking milk, I make sure I supplement it with other nutritious food such as meat, vegetables, grain and fruits for a well-balanced diet.

*compared to previous formulation, 9.7 mg

Bekal Nutrisi 

Nutritious Meals Dumex Dugro

Selecting the right snack/lunch box for your little ones is extremely important. Kids will tend to eat healthier food with lunchboxes. Similarly, my son eats healthier food when it’s separated and looks more colourful. As children grow up, they will become more interested to assemble their own lunchboxes. Make sure you get those that are kid-friendly and easy to use or clean.

Nutritious Meals Dumex Dugro
3 vibrant colours with different designs

If you need a new lunchbox for your child, you can get one Bekal Nutrisi when you purchase two 900g packs of Dumex Dugro®. They have three vibrant colours with different designs that are perfect for packed lunches or snacks. Don’t they look super cute? The promotion starts from 1st September until 31st October 2017 (while stocks last). For more information, you can visit Dumex Dugro Official Website

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